New Blog

March 25, 2009 at 10:13 pm (Uncategorized)

Okay Everyone~^-^

Like I said, I made a blog in another webbie, so here’s the link for the blog I’ll be using for now on:


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This Died…-_-

March 25, 2009 at 10:12 am (Uncategorized)

Hey Everyone!

Well again, sorry for never updating on my life….

Anyway, it’s almost the end of the scool semester, so one more week and we all can relax~_~…

Not much has been going on; just finishing off my remaining skills and whatever=P

I’m thinking about changing blog sites….

This seems(and no offence to the webbie)…er…Boringly dead…-_-“”

So, I think this will be my last post for wordpress and me will transfer to another bloggy webbie=P

Okay, c ya ’till whenever! Bye!=P

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!^-^

January 1, 2009 at 1:25 pm (Uncategorized) ()

Thursday, January 1, 2009 9:43pm

Hey Everyone!
I’m really sorry for not updating in the longest time. I know I always apologize for that, but I found out that I really can’t go on the computer or any electronic thingy that needs my eyes to see, ’cause there’s something kinda wrong with my eyes. Something about high pressure or another, so yeahh. It’s okay though, since I’m taking some stuff to help my eyes and don’t worry, I’ll try to keep updated in a while.
Well, first of all, it’s January 1, 2009! Happy New Year to all and Merry(belated…hehe) Christmas! So, this is what’s been going on.
There were two Holiday Parties at my school. One, which happened on Sunday, called the Sigaboom(siga meaning “light” and the boom for like explosions or whatever that goes “boom!”), and the other was a Christmas Party the next day, Monday. Well, for the Sigaboom, each grade level had to do a dance number, so we practiced the whole two weeks before for that. So, yeahh, we danced. There were other events like who was Mary and Joseph and the 3 Kings and others, too. In the end, like about 8:30pm, the school turned off all the lights, and at the same time, they turned on the Christmas lights and fireworks shot out. So, it was pretty awesome to see, and the fireworks were so close! After that, it was optional to stay and dance, but I went home afterwards^-^. For the Christmas Party, we had to be at school around 7:30-8am. Different classes had their own thing. For my class, we waited like most of the day until it was time for lunch. So, I gave my xmas present to the teachers. For lunch, we had a bunch of food catered. There was a big pig, corn, steak(it was sooo yummy!), dumpling soup, sweet n sour chicken, and rice. For dessert, there were brownies and fruit salad. So, after everyone ate, we passed out the presents that each person had to give to a random person. It was like a Secret Santa thing. My person was a guy named David, and he had asked for a flash drive, so that’s what I got him. The person who got me turned out to be one of my friends, Jeroshely, and she got me a My Chemical Romance cd! It was really cool^-^ So then, we could all go home fo rthe Christmas Break.
During the break, I didn’t really do anything. I went to the doctor(both physical doctor and eye doctor=P) and basically did homework. For Christmas, I spent it with my cousins and it was pretty fun. I was one of the judges for the dancing games and we ate spaghetti, chicken, rice, and some fruit. I stayed up till midnight and past, and went home to call some people(you know if i called you^-^btw, if i didn’t call you, it’s coz it’s eithr that i tried to call u n u didnt answr, or if i dnt have ur numbr.So, if u want 2 call me, u can:713-623-1238).
Now that it’s New Year’s, i went to my other house and spent it with my mom’s cousin, Tita Gamay, and her husband, Digoy, and son, Japeth(he’s 7). It was so funny! We banged pots and pans when it was midnight and shouted “Happy New Year!” We even jumped up and down! LoLz! It was CRAZy! Lolz! So today, I went back home(I spent the night in the other house) and got ready to go to my friend, Kai’s(Erika), New Year’s Party. Two of our other friends were there(they’re twins), Justine(Tin) and Jasmine(Min). We ate like SO much food and bloated ourselves with cakes and ice cream! Tin and Kai were all sugar high and I couldn’t finish my cake, so I gave it to Tita Gamay to finish(Lolz! she got mad at me for not finishing it and making her eat it, and she forced the food down…hehe..sorry…^~^”). So, after eating, we tried out Kai’s new skateboard and then went to Robinson’s Mall. We just went around and Kai got her third ear pierce and bought a new shirt. Tin also bought a shirt and Min bought a jacket. I didn’t really buy anything though. After a while we got bored and just sat and talked in the food court. It was about 5pm, but going to 6, so we decided to go home. Kai’s mom owns a small cafe across the mall, so we walked over there where my Tita Gamay was waiting and talking with Kai’s mom. Tin and Min, and Tita Gamay and me decided to go home together in a Jeepney(it’s like a bus, but kinda different) since both our homes were going the same way. Before we left though, I had to help Tin find a missing shirt that she forgot somewhere in the mall. We eventually found it(it was awkward when we had to explain what we were taking…=P), and went home in the Jeepney. We separated ways after a while and now I’m home writing what’s been up.
Hey, I made a Christmas vid, and I know most of you haven’t seen it, so I’ll put it up in this blog. Just find it in my youtube stuff. So, I guess I’ll go for now. I miss you all and hope everyone’s having an awesome time. Happy New Year to all!!!^-^

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November Update

November 16, 2008 at 2:53 pm (Uncategorized)

Sunday, November 16, 2008 at 10:03pm

Hey, Everyone! Wow, I haven’t updated in a while. So, I might as well do that^-^

So, last week, I didn’t go to school for three days(Wednesday to Friday) because I got sick. On the first day I was absent, I had to go to doctor and it took forever just for my turn. There was something wrong with a part near my abdomen, so I had to get an ultrasound the next day, which took a long time. Then, since the doctor’s office was closed by that time, I missed the next day of school, and go to the doctor again the next day after that. So then, on Friday, I went to the doctor and got prescription medicine. Basically, that was my week^-^

Well, I should tell about the Hollow Fest that happened the week before I got sick. Anyway, on November 7th, we had a Hollow Fest at school. Since the week before that we didn’t have any school and Halloween was during that time, we had the party on the 7th. It was really fun that day. During the day, the high school grades had to make a little haunted room for the elementary students to go through to earn candy. It was pretty funny. Some little kids kept screaming in our haunted room(by the way, the event is called Monster’s Crib). This was also the competition, so later that night, we would know who won the event. After that, it was lunch time, so everyone for our grade had to bring some food for a “Shared Lunch.” We ate, and go to leave to get ready for the night event at around 5pm.

During the night event, it was only for high schoolers. So, we got to dress up in costume(the was going to be a judging on best costume at the party). I dressed up as a vampire. The party was held in the gym. It was pretty fun. The first event was a “Costume Fashion Show.” Representatives of each grade participated and had to dress up in a costume of their theme they got. The next event after, was the Battle of the Bands. It was alright. Most of the bands weren’t exactly…good… The 4th year high school though, was really awesome! I liked the last song they played, which was “Accidentally in Love,” which they played really well. After all that, the judges’ picks were announced. For the Monster Crib, 2nd year high school won first place(Yay! That was us!^-^). For the best costume for the night, one of my aunt’s, Tita Gamay’s, friend’s daughter had won for the girl’s side and some guy won for the boy’s side. For the Fashion Show, our representative got 3rd place, and in the Battle of the Band Competition, 1st year got 4th place, 2nd year got 3rd place, 3rd year got 2nd place, and 4th year got 1st place. It was around 10pm, but the last event was optional, which was Dancing. I didn’t dance, so I went home after.

Well, that’s what’s been happening. I have school tomorrow, so I better go. I’m feeling better, so I don’t have to worry anymore. I miss everyone! See ya all!^-^

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Parade and No School

October 17, 2008 at 11:55 am (Uncategorized)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hi! Sorry I haven’t been updating. Anyway, about the test results, I’ve passed all of my subjects!^-^ So, I’m really happy about that.

Well yesterday, we had a foot parade starting from the Iloilo Museum to Robinson’s Mall. It was for Girls and Boys Week and for Math, Science, and Technology week, too. Other schools had joined in, mostly private schools. I had to be at school by 6:30am(we took jeepneys to get to Iloilo Museum for the parade) , but it was kind of fun because it was a cloudy day yesterday, and was about to rain. While we were walking, it started to rain a little and for a short moment, it kind of poured. By the time we got to Robinson’s, we were lucky that that’s when it really started pouring. So after, we went inside the mall before opening time so that we could start the ceremony or something. We had to stay on the second floor in the food court while the ceremony was going on. Besides the mayor, there were four other people, I think from the US^-^ They did the ceremony thing, but I couldn’t really hear what was going on because it was so noisy(I don’t think anyone was listening or even trying to listen)…After that, we got to roam around the mall a little bit and eat snack or something. I bought a pizza for my friends and me to share. We had to leave at 10:30am, but we had just gotten the pizza 5 minutes before the time, and we were like panicking that we couldn’t finish the pizza. So, it was pretty funny when my friends and me started gulping down the pizza and offering some to our other friends.^-^ After, we went back to school on jeepneys and didn’t do much the rest of the day. We just worked on the class science display table that was going to be judge, maybe on friday, for this science, math, and technology week.

Well, I’ll update another time. I still have some work to do even though it’s a special occasion week. Well, see you all! Bye!^-^

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1st Quarter Exam!!!

August 28, 2008 at 8:34 am (Uncategorized)

Hey, everyone!^-^ So, today was the first day for my first quarter exam. It wasn’t really that hard, though I had a little trouble with English(LoLz, kinda ironic=P). Anyway, school was only up to 11:30am, so I had the rest of the day off. It took me a little while to finish math, the last subject for the test, so I finished at about 12 o’ clock. Math wasn’t really wasn’t all that hard;I was just making sure everything was right.

Anyway, I still have the second part of the test tomorrow, so I guess I’ll go now! Hope everyone is doing well in school and good luck for the year! See yaz!^-^

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I’m in Journalism…???

August 20, 2008 at 9:22 am (Uncategorized)

August 20, 2008-5:09pm

Hey everyone! Hope everyone’s doing alright. Anyway, I have some time to update. So, this is what happened yesterday that I thought was pretty cool that happened to me…

For journalism class, last week(we only get journalism clas once a week), we had to write an article about the Nutrition Month and St. Dominic Feast Day Celebration. So, that’s what I did. Then, I turned my article in yesterday. So, the teacher read all the articles as she was picking them up. I saw my teacher just reading my article, and thought I was in trouble. I was sort of trying to hide since I didn’t really want her to see if I actually did it wrong. Then, my teacher looked at me. She asked me, “Sanie, are you in the journalism club?” I told her that I wasn’t and she just said, “Ah, okay.” So then, after a while, while I was doing my classwork, the teacher called me to go up to her desk. I really had thought I did my article wrong. When I walked up to her, she told me that my article was really good and that I she would put me in the journalism club. I said, “Okay,” and she went on saying that she would also put my article in the next school newspaper! I was really surprised. I didn’t really think that my article was so good, either! So, that’s what happened yesterday and thought that was pretty cool what happened.

Well, thought that I might share this with ya’ll. I got to go, now! Miss you all! See yaz!^-^

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August 14, 2008 at 12:09 pm (Uncategorized)

Thursaday, August 14, 2008-8:09pm

Ok.Hey, everyone!^-^ So, on Tuesday, I had PE class and for that day, we had swimming!So, once a month there’s swimming lessons at school.It’s pretty fun! Anyway, the people who joined in got into their swimsuits (yes, including me) and got in the pool. Some of my friends were kinda shy since they hadn’t really worn a swimsuit in a while(like me). Well, the teacher called on drills that my classmates learned last year and had to do whatever he said. Of course, I had no idea how to do the “flutter by” or whatever he said. Luckily, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t know how. My friend, Shaigne(Shejamaigne), didn’t come to the school last year, so didn’t know how either. So, the teacher had to teach us two individually. Shaigne and I joined in the drills also, but did the simpler steps in swimming. The teacher said I was a fast learner (he said it in Filipino so I couldn’t understand that well and found out later from my aunt who was watching.). I guess I was luckily that my dad taught me a little bit of swimming when I was younger, so I wasn’t completely lost in all this swimming. Anyway, since it was the last class and end of the day, the teacher let some of us stay and practice swimming for a little while longer, so Shaigne and I stayed. Some of my other classmates stayed too, and they had a diving contest. LoLz! It was funny because the guys kept messing up and just did cannon balls! LoLz! So, yea. After swimming class, I went home so that was basically it.

Also, I have an upcoming test.So, I’m studying really hard for it. It’s next week and it’ll last two days. Luckily, it’ll be only in the morning so we don’t have to spend the whole day at school. Since school is usually from about 7:30am to 4:30 or 5:00pm, we only have to stay until about 11:30am on the testing days. So, that’s what’s been happening this week.

Miss ya all! See yaz!^-^

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1st School Festival!!!

August 9, 2008 at 8:22 am (Uncategorized)

Hi, again!Ok, so yesterday, August 8, there was a festival at my school celebrating St.Dominic, which is our main saint at my skool.We didn’t have school the whole day, which was cool.In the class, we had to bring a healthy food.I had brought fruit jelly!^-^ There were activities going on and also competitions.I was in the poster making competition and didn’t get to join the other events the whole day, which kind of sucked, but I had fun in the competition.So, that was baisically what I did the entire day.But I heard that the winner of the contest will get P1,000 cash!LoLz!But I didn’t know that until after I finished my poster.I joined only because it was fun.^-^ So, yeah.Also my friend, Justine and Jasmine said that they would sleep over in the school last night.In my school, you can have sleepover after a festival like yesterday.So, that was cool.Well, I guess that’s all for now.Anyway, miss you all!Comment if you want!See yaz!^-^

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Celebrities at SM!^-^

August 9, 2008 at 6:26 am (Uncategorized)

Hey everyone!I really need to tell ya’ll about what happened last Sunday at SM mall!Two celebrities came to SM!I forgot they’re names(hehehe, oops…), but I think they’re names are Gerald and Kim Cho.They’re both awesome singers!In the mall every girl was like screaming and everyone was pushing trying to see them.I was in the beauty parlor cuz I had to get my hair done.So then, when I finished, I went to see if I could see the singers.I wasn’t really excited because I didn’t even know who they were.I didn’t get to see them because of all the people.They were even pushing me when I was just trying to get to the grocery store in the mall!I heard them singing, but that was it.My aunt, Tita Gamay, joined in a little with all the fans, and screamed sometimes.LoLz!It was funny but a little embarassing.^-^I wanted to at least see them before they left, but I didn’t.=P Oh well.So yea.That’s what happened on Sunday^-^

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