1st School Festival!!!

August 9, 2008 at 8:22 am (Uncategorized)

Hi, again!Ok, so yesterday, August 8, there was a festival at my school celebrating St.Dominic, which is our main saint at my skool.We didn’t have school the whole day, which was cool.In the class, we had to bring a healthy food.I had brought fruit jelly!^-^ There were activities going on and also competitions.I was in the poster making competition and didn’t get to join the other events the whole day, which kind of sucked, but I had fun in the competition.So, that was baisically what I did the entire day.But I heard that the winner of the contest will get P1,000 cash!LoLz!But I didn’t know that until after I finished my poster.I joined only because it was fun.^-^ So, yeah.Also my friend, Justine and Jasmine said that they would sleep over in the school last night.In my school, you can have sleepover after a festival like yesterday.So, that was cool.Well, I guess that’s all for now.Anyway, miss you all!Comment if you want!See yaz!^-^


  1. Nicole said,

    omg sanie!!! u used sunbun i feel so special cause im the only 1 who can call u that and u better remember!! that sound like a lot of fun tha festival thingy and then tha slepin over thingy!! dang it seems like yall have a lot of freedom over there! P1,000 wow how much is that over here? well g2g now so ill come back l8r! miss u so much!! lots of luv ttly!

  2. Shandice =) said,

    Heyyyy Sanie. Have you grown taller this summer??? Lolz just kiddin. To anyone who reads this, I GOT BRACES. Haha Ima finally have straight teeth. Well I hope you’re having lots of fun in the Phillipines b/c it’s a drag here in Texas as of now. Talk to you later. Peace out.

  3. "Miss" Dee dlC said,

    Nichole, weirdo LOL

    P1000 = almost $25

    Sun, Miss ya!!! School starts in two weeks and I am sure your brother will tell me how much he misses you.

  4. Priscilla said,

    yum fruit jelly! that sleep ovr thing is cool, i wish we cud do that here in da US 😦 i miss u more n more evryday! yur skool sounds cool… o and say hi to yur friends 4 me!! luvs u!

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