Parade and No School

October 17, 2008 at 11:55 am (Uncategorized)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hi! Sorry I haven’t been updating. Anyway, about the test results, I’ve passed all of my subjects!^-^ So, I’m really happy about that.

Well yesterday, we had a foot parade starting from the Iloilo Museum to Robinson’s Mall. It was for Girls and Boys Week and for Math, Science, and Technology week, too. Other schools had joined in, mostly private schools. I had to be at school by 6:30am(we took jeepneys to get to Iloilo Museum for the parade) , but it was kind of fun because it was a cloudy day yesterday, and was about to rain. While we were walking, it started to rain a little and for a short moment, it kind of poured. By the time we got to Robinson’s, we were lucky that that’s when it really started pouring. So after, we went inside the mall before opening time so that we could start the ceremony or something. We had to stay on the second floor in the food court while the ceremony was going on. Besides the mayor, there were four other people, I think from the US^-^ They did the ceremony thing, but I couldn’t really hear what was going on because it was so noisy(I don’t think anyone was listening or even trying to listen)…After that, we got to roam around the mall a little bit and eat snack or something. I bought a pizza for my friends and me to share. We had to leave at 10:30am, but we had just gotten the pizza 5 minutes before the time, and we were like panicking that we couldn’t finish the pizza. So, it was pretty funny when my friends and me started gulping down the pizza and offering some to our other friends.^-^ After, we went back to school on jeepneys and didn’t do much the rest of the day. We just worked on the class science display table that was going to be judge, maybe on friday, for this science, math, and technology week.

Well, I’ll update another time. I still have some work to do even though it’s a special occasion week. Well, see you all! Bye!^-^

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